Tim Bence

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Tim Bence  

The following podcasts have been taken out of the public domain, for educational purposes.

(All Credit for the podcast to Texas rising.)

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Part 1 Tim Bence Session

This is the part one mentoring session of Tim Bence, 02/21/16. Tim is a forerunner of the forerunners. He has been a mentor and father to many of the forerunners you hear of today. In this first session Tim begins to too unfold the true body of Christ and what it is supposed to look like today. The body is without limits of space and region so take what is released and apply it to your area and beyond. Blessings!


02-27-16 Mentoring with Tim Bence

More mentoring with Tim Bence. Tim is a mentor and father to many of the forerunners we see today. In this session he release more on establishing and understanding the role of the true body of Christ, the ecclesia.
