Lives of Saints/Mystics

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Disclaimer: The following videos are uploaded from the public domain in and are only intended for educational/inspirational purposes in this site.

The following are very special movies about some of the saints, Holy men/women and mystics of old. Worth watching and even further researching about their lives, supernatural experiences and miracles they performed. We can learn a lot from them.

  1. Beautiful movie about the life of Saint Martin de Porres  1579-1639

    (In Spanish, with English subtitles.)

Born in Lima, Peru. Monk who performed many healing miracles and was even able to bi-locate and levitate.



2. Movie about the life of Saint Giuseppe di Cupertino, the ¨Flying Monk¨. 1603-1663. Italy. (English)  

A Capuchin friar who had ecstatic visions, levitated, and led an ascetic humble life. He is the patron saint of air travelers, astronauts and aviators, the mental handicapped and poor students.



3.Movie about the life of Pio of Pietrelcina, Italy. 1887-1968 – (English

He was an amazing friar who experienced mystical ecstasy and stigmata among many other things.


4. Movie about the life of Saint Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, France 1844-1879. (English)

As a young teenager she had visions of Mary in a cave and received supernatural instructions.  A  spring of water appeared in that same spot which would miraculously heal the sick.



5. Movie about the life of Saint Francis of Assisi, Italian. 1181-1226. (English)

He founded the Franciscan Orders. He received the stigmata during the apparition of Seraphic angels in a religious ecstasy.



6. Movie about the life of Saint Patrick – The Apostle of Ireland (English)

He was a Romano-British missionary and bishop in Ireland during the 5th century. Several miracles and supernatural things are attributed to him, such as the banning of snakes from Ireland.



7. Movie about the Life of Saint Anthony of Padua – 1195-1231 (Italian with subtitles in English)

Born in Lisbon, Portugal from a wealthy family but died in Italy. He became an hermit, and later a Franciscan friar. His outstanding gift for preaching and writing made him beknown as the Evangelical Doctor.



8. Movie based on the life of Catholic missionary from Belgium, Father Damien. 1840-1889 (English)

He is also known as the “Apostle of the lepers”, as he voluntarily spent his life with them  in the island of Molokai in Hawaii.



9. Movie about the life of Margaret of Costello. 1287-1320 (English)

Born blind and cripple to a wealthy family, was later abandoned and became God´s Cinderella. People were healed at her funeral.



10. Indian produced movie about the life of Spanish Saint Francis Xavier, missionary to India. 1506-1552. (English)

 He healed many and even raised  people from the dead.



11. Movie about the life of Saint Charbel Makhul. 1828-1898. (In Arabic with English subtitles.)

Lebanese Maronite hermit monk who  performed more miracles after his death.



12. Intense movie (some graphic scenes) about the life of Saint Josephine Bakhita, The African Saint – 1869-1947 (Italian, with English subtitles) It is a playlist, so pls continue watching part 2, 3, 4. 

Black young  girl from Sudan, tortured as a child, sold as a slave, was taken to Italy where she converted to Christianity and influenced many with her long suffering, love, and humility.



13. Movie about the life of Saint Catherine of Siena -1347-1380 (Spanish with English subtitles)

Catherine walked in the supernatural and exerted Kingdom dominion over the mountains of her day in Italy. Kings, popes, and princes listened to her. She never learned how to read and write, but under God´s prophetic anointing she wrote manuscripts and became a Doctor of the Church.



14. Movie about the life of Saint Joan of Arc, of France. 1412-1431. (English)



15. Movie about the life of Saint Jean Vianney (1786-1859)  French with subtitles in English

Saint Jean was the curé of Ars for many years and changed thousands of lives during the French Revolution. He was militant against his spiritual enemy.


16. Saint Alphonsa. India



17. Saint George. Ethiopian Orthodox. Subtitles in English.

18. Mary of Agreda – The blue lady  documentary.


19.  The life of sister JUANA INES DE LA CRUZ.(me, the worst of all) Spanish with English subtitles.


20- The Life of Saint Paul – 1938


21 – Holy Night – The life of JESUS 


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